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Clipland Forum TV Commercials


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# 1 18 years ago

commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
# 2 18 years ago

Yeah I really want to know what song this is too, it's very ambient, almost Moby-sounding, without any lyrics and no acoustic instrumentation. Does anyone know what this track is called?

> commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
# 3 18 years ago

> commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
# 4 18 years ago

this is the coolest commercial i've seen, can u please tell me the name of the song on the commercial
# 5 18 years ago

I have seen this commercial and am wondering myself. Know for a fact that it is not Bjork, but is probably some obscure or new electronica group or DJ. Great style, good ambiance... if anyone can ease the torture of not knowing, please do. Sooner or later it will get around.. Norm
# 6 18 years ago

> commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...

nuts man, looking for the smae thing...send off an email if you find it.

# 7 18 years ago

# 8 18 years ago

> commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
hey. yeah im trying to find out what that song is too. If you find out what it is could you tell me? If so my email is
# 9 18 years ago

> I have seen this commercial and am wondering myself. Know for a fact that it is not Bjork, but is probably some obscure or new electronica group or DJ. Great style, good ambiance... if anyone can ease the torture of not knowing, please do. Sooner or later it will get around.. Norm
# 10 18 years ago

> > commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...

I dont know, but If you find out, please tell me.
I am a trance DJ, and that would be a really phat downtempo track. Mabye a good ending to a high energy set.
# 11 18 years ago

> > commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
# 12 18 years ago

> Yeah I really want to know what song this is too, it's very ambient, almost Moby-sounding, without any lyrics and no acoustic instrumentation. Does anyone know what this track is called?
> > commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
# 13 18 years ago

> Yeah I really want to know what song this is too, it's very ambient, almost Moby-sounding, without any lyrics and no acoustic instrumentation. Does anyone know what this track is called?
> > commercial talks about air being cleaner and people feeling better if cars didn't put out so much waste. what is the SONG plying the commercial. its almost sounds a little Bjork-ish. please help me out...
# 14 18 years ago

hi there.

i donèt have the answer to your question, but i DEFINITELY would like to know where i can find this video online.. i saw it on the toyota website, and i would llove to incorporate it for a presentation i have to do.

if you have a source online for this commercial, PLEASE email me the link. i have provided my email address and i would appreciate it greatly.

# 15 18 years ago

i want to know the same thing. this seems like a great song
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