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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

New Buick commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
# 2 18 years ago

> What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
> THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
# 3 18 years ago

> > What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
> > THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
I just found it. It is the M83's. 'don't save us from the flames' Someone replied with the answer on an earlier thread. THanx!!!!!!!!!
# 4 18 years ago

I belive it is "Rock and Roll" by Led Zeppelin, if it is the song I that I think you are describing.
# 5 18 years ago

> What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
> THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
I have the same question and was just looking at the Buick site hoping that it would list the artist....
# 6 18 years ago

> What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
> THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
# 7 18 years ago

> What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
> THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
# 8 16 years ago

> > What is that song on the new Pontiac/Buick commercials? It has a fast piano beat and a wavering sytnth/voice over the beat. It is at the end of the commercial.
> > THanx, Icannot get it out of my head
> I have the same question and was just looking at the Buick site hoping that it would list the artist....
(All 8 messages )

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