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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

nike running commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

there was a nike running commercial on a few months ago. it started with a man running in a park listening to classical music, then cut to a woman running listening to pop music, then to another man running listening to hiphop. in the final scene, they all were running together and all the music meshed into one song. does anyone know the name of the commercial or, even better, know where i can get it? thanks!
# 2 18 years ago

> there was a nike running commercial on a few months ago. it started with a man running in a park listening to classical music, then cut to a woman running listening to pop music, then to another man running listening to hiphop. in the final scene, they all were running together and all the music meshed into one song. does anyone know the name of the commercial or, even better, know where i can get it? thanks!
# 3 18 years ago

> there was a nike running commercial on a few months ago. it started with a man running in a park listening to classical music, then cut to a woman running listening to pop music, then to another man running listening to hiphop. in the final scene, they all were running together and all the music meshed into one song. does anyone know the name of the commercial or, even better, know where i can get it? thanks!
# 4 18 years ago

The ad's called "Instruments", here's the link:
# 5 18 years ago

There was a commercial awhile ago... and there was a guy and he woke up and fell out of bed, and he was running.. and it was a crazy commercial, he would run and fall n then he ended back in bed.. if anyone knows the song can you please tell me... i think it was for a shoe!
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