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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Lending Tree - Stanley Johnson Commerical

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# 1 18 years ago

If anyone has a copy of the Lending Tree commerical I too would like a copy of it for project at my church. Please send link or commerical too the following email address.

# 2 18 years ago

> If anyone has a copy of the Lending Tree commerical I too would like a copy of it for project at my church. Please send link or commerical too the following email address.
> THanks!
# 3 18 years ago

>Did you receive a copy of this commercial from anyone? I am also interested in this commercial. Could you please send it to me?
> THanks!
# 4 18 years ago

I asked LendingTree if they could publish it online. Unfortunately there are legal reasons why they can't do so (they don't own copyright).

> >Did you receive a copy of this commercial from anyone? I am also interested in this commercial. Could you please send it to me?
> > THanks!
# 5 18 years ago

> >Did you receive a copy of this commercial from anyone? I am also interested in this commercial. Could you please send it to me?
> > THanks!
# 6 16 years ago

Were you ever able to get a copy of the Stanely Johnson commercial? I am also looking for a copy of it for a church project.

(All 6 messages )

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