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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Citibank Commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

There's a commercial for Citibank that has two guys dressed up, one as a wizard the other in Star Wars costume. Their costumes are cheesy and they are having a mock battle of the wizard vs the force as directed by a guy on a couch calling out new attack moves to be used. I absolutley crack-up each time I see it. Has anyone seen it posted anywhere?? I'd love to find it to share with others!!
# 2 18 years ago

> There's a commercial for Citibank that has two guys dressed up, one as a wizard the other in Star Wars costume. Their costumes are cheesy and they are having a mock battle of the wizard vs the force as directed by a guy on a couch calling out new attack moves to be used. I absolutley crack-up each time I see it. Has anyone seen it posted anywhere?? I'd love to find it to share with others!!
# 3 18 years ago
# 4 18 years ago

> There's a commercial for Citibank that has I 2 am looking for this...
# 5 18 years ago

Ive been searching the internet for that same commercial, I try to expain it at work to the fellas, but its just not the same. Have you had any luck finding it?
# 6 18 years ago

> There's a commercial for Citibank that has two guys dressed up, one as a wizard the other in Star Wars costume. Their costumes are cheesy and they are having a mock battle of the wizard vs the force as directed by a guy on a couch calling out new attack moves to be used. I absolutley crack-up each time I see it. Has anyone seen it posted anywhere?? I'd love to find it to share with others!!
# 7 17 years ago

> There's a commercial for Citibank that has two guys dressed up, one as a wizard the other in Star Wars costume. Their costumes are cheesy and they are having a mock battle of the wizard vs the force as directed by a guy on a couch calling out new attack moves to be used. I absolutley crack-up each time I see it. Has anyone seen it posted anywhere?? I'd love to find it to share with others!!
# 8 17 years ago

> There's a commercial for Citibank that has two guys dressed up, one as a wizard the other in Star Wars costume. Their costumes are cheesy and they are having a mock battle of the wizard vs the force as directed by a guy on a couch calling out new attack moves to be used. I absolutley crack-up each time I see it. Has anyone seen it posted anywhere?? I'd love to find it to share with others!!
(All 8 messages )

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