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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Heineken commercial at green space

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# 1 18 years ago

There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 2 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 3 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know where I can download that commercial
# 4 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 5 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx

the song is called "cobrastyle" by the Teddybears
# 6 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 7 18 years ago

The song is "Cobrastyle" by the teddybears

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 8 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx

# 9 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 10 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 11 18 years ago

> > There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know where I can download that commercial
# 12 18 years ago


I was searching, and I just found it. :)

the song's called 'Cobrastyle' and it's by
Teddybears Sthlm

# 13 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 14 18 years ago

> There's this heineken commercial where a guy goes into this club or bar called "grenn space" and everyone is doing the robot and stuff in the clip when they have a heineken. I was just wanting to know what the song was called and who it was by. Its like a reggae song. lemme know thnx
# 15 18 years ago

The song in the heineken commercial with the green space and the robot is called COBRA STYLE by the teddybears
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