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names of the crayola, jc penny, & a car commercial song...

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# 1 18 years ago

ok so the new crayola commercial song is wicked cool and if anyone has the name of that plzzz let me no that would be awsome
its not JC pennys newest commericial song, but i dunno all i no is that it has the little kids who break dance in it and has the phrase "BAA BAA" in it! any one know the name of that one??
the car commercial where the guy gets out of his silver SUV then throws the keys to some lady who drives the car then does the same thing but throws them to a waitress who drops all her plates and walks out to the car... very good song!! now if you could tell me any of those songs... that would be awsome!
thanks alot!!!
# 2 18 years ago

> ok so the new crayola commercial song is wicked cool and if anyone has the name of that plzzz let me no that would be awsome
> &&
> its not JC pennys newest commericial song, but i dunno all i no is that it has the little kids who break dance in it and has the phrase "BAA BAA" in it! any one know the name of that one??
> &&
> the car commercial where the guy gets out of his silver SUV then throws the keys to some lady who drives the car then does the same thing but throws them to a waitress who drops all her plates and walks out to the car... very good song!! now if you could tell me any of those songs... that would be awsome!
> thanks alot!!!
i think it goes "start happpy (yeah) green light I'm living for inspiration"
# 3 18 years ago

I wish I knew what the Crayola commercial music was, that is, if you're referring to the one that's kind of carribean-like with a trumpet at the end and a young kid saying, "MNOP" or "I am a bee" or something like that. The bloody song is haunting me!
# 4 18 years ago

I really need to know the name of the song in the car commercial where the cars like fall apart or whatever. If you know, please e-mail me at
Thank you soooo much!
# 5 18 years ago

> ok so the new crayola commercial song is wicked cool and if anyone has the name of that plzzz let me no that would be awsome
> &&
> its not JC pennys newest commericial song, but i dunno all i no is that it has the little kids who break dance in it and has the phrase "BAA BAA" in it! any one know the name of that one??
> &&
> the car commercial where the guy gets out of his silver SUV then throws the keys to some lady who drives the car then does the same thing but throws them to a waitress who drops all her plates and walks out to the car... very good song!! now if you could tell me any of those songs... that would be awsome!
> thanks alot!!!
Kia commercial...the GOATMEN GREATLIFE
# 6 18 years ago

I can help you with the music from Crayola.
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