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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Inspirational commercial of a young boy learning

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# 1 14 years ago

The commercial I'm trying to find dates to the early 2000s.

There is a young boy in a sparse room in a chair silently observing people teach him various concepts from our civilization.

There is a shot of a plumber showing him his tools of the trade. An old man saying "mankind has always looked to the stars." a pilot holding a model airplane explaining lift and thrust. There is a shot near the end of a man that looks like Muhammad Ali saying something like don't give up don't give in.

I vaguely remember it ending with a female VoiceOver saying "he's learning he's growing" or something.

Can't remember the company but I think it's a search engine or tech comp like microsoft or hp.

Anyone can help? This is one of the most inspriational commercials I've ever seen...

Sorry for typos sent from my phone
# 2 14 years ago

Found it! Here it is for any who saw my thread and was interested.
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