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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

TV Ad About a Boring Presentation

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# 1 17 years ago

There is a TV ad that was running about 2 years ago, about a guy making a presentation in a very monotone style and then he shows a slide and says this is a very self explanatory slide, so let me explain it. It is meant to be an example of a very boring presentation.
Any one has any idea what was this ad for? and/or how can i find it?
# 2 17 years ago

> There is a TV ad that was running about 2 years ago, about a guy making a presentation in a very monotone style and then he shows a slide and says this is a very self explanatory slide, so let me explain it. It is meant to be an example of a very boring presentation.
> Any one has any idea what was this ad for? and/or how can i find it?
# 3 17 years ago

> There is a TV ad that was running about 2 years ago, about a guy making a presentation in a very monotone style and then he shows a slide and says this is a very self explanatory slide, so let me explain it. It is meant to be an example of a very boring presentation.
> Any one has any idea what was this ad for? and/or how can i find it?

This sounds hilarious!! Please post it here if you find out!

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