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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

TV Commercial - Smitty! Guess how many cookies I can fit in my mouth!

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# 1 17 years ago

Anybody remember a commercial about a kid who gets a job and all his frat buddies keep calling him up at work right when his boss is around. It goes something like:

"Smitty!!!...Guess how many cookies I can fit in my mouth!" And there were a couple of other spinnoffs like that. Anybody know what that was for, or where I can get a video of it? Thanks.
# 2 17 years ago

> Anybody remember a commercial about a kid who gets a job and all his frat buddies keep calling him up at work right when his boss is around. It goes something like:
> "Smitty!!!...Guess how many cookies I can fit in my mouth!" And there were a couple of other spinnoffs like that. Anybody know what that was for, or where I can get a video of it? Thanks.
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