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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Green M&M

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# 1 17 years ago

I'm looking for a clip to two commercials one is when the green m&m karate kicks some guy because he was asking her "so is it true what they say" and another is the new dairy queen monster blizzard commercial .... if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!

# 2 17 years ago

> I'm looking for a clip to two commercials one is when the green m&m karate kicks some guy because he was asking her "so is it true what they say" and another is the new dairy queen monster blizzard commercial .... if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!
> Thx!
# 3 17 years ago

> I'm looking for a clip to two commercials one is when the green m&m karate kicks some guy because he was asking her "so is it true what they say" and another is the new dairy queen monster blizzard commercial .... if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!
> Thx!
# 4 17 years ago

> I'm looking for a clip to two commercials one is when the green m&m karate kicks some guy because he was asking her "so is it true what they say" and another is the new dairy queen monster blizzard commercial .... if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it!
> Thx!
(All 4 messages )

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