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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Nike Commercial w/ Amare Stoudemire

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# 1 18 years ago

I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
# 2 18 years ago

The song is from AC/DC and the song is "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution"
# 3 18 years ago

> The song is from AC/DC and the song is "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution"

wrong. the song is by Rob Dougan entitled "Clubbed to death" on his 2003 album called Furious Angels. This track, well, the sample that is used in the Nike commercial, is also in the Matrix (the movie, not the other phoenix sun player).
# 4 18 years ago

> > The song is from AC/DC and the song is "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution"
> >
> wrong. the song is by Rob Dougan entitled "Clubbed to death" on his 2003 album called Furious Angels. This track, well, the sample that is used in the Nike commercial, is also in the Matrix (the movie, not the other phoenix sun player).

This person is confusing the Amare/Nike commercial with the other sports figures which uses AC/DC
# 5 18 years ago

> I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
# 6 18 years ago

> I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
# 7 18 years ago

where can i find this commercial on the internet
# 8 18 years ago

> I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
# 9 18 years ago

> I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
# 10 18 years ago

> I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
# 11 18 years ago

> > I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
> Plus, do you know where I can download it?
# 12 18 years ago

> > I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
> Plus, do you know where I can download it?
# 13 18 years ago

> > I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
> Plus, do you know where I can download it?
# 14 18 years ago

> > I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
> Plus, do you know where I can download it?
# 15 17 years ago

> > I cannot firgure out what the music is to the commercial that shows amare stoudemire and other athletes training from injury. At the end of the commercial, it says "Tell me i cant. I wont hear you." Anyone know what the music playing in the background is?
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