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i need to know the name of the song in the new visa add !!!!!!!! somebody tell me before i go mad!! please

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# 1 18 years ago

i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; another day, just believe.. i think thats the words!! anyone help me please?
# 2 18 years ago

i would allso like to know the name on this song

# 3 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; another day, just believe.. i think thats the words!! anyone help me please?
# 4 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; another day, just believe.. i think thats the words!! anyone help me please?
# 5 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; another day, just believe.. i think thats the words!! anyone help me please?
# 6 18 years ago

dirty vegas - just breathe
# 7 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; i can do it all.. i think thats the words!! it is the visa add spocering the commonwealth games and it has the lady doin the high jump and people lifting her over and the man doin the really big weights and people lift them up... anyone help me please?
# 8 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; i can do it all.. i think thats the words!! it is the visa add spocering the commonwealth games and it has the lady doin the high jump and people lifting her over and the man doin the really big weights and people lift them up... anyone help me please?
# 9 18 years ago

It's called 'Breathe' from Album 'Genetic World' by Telepopmusik
# 10 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; another day, just believe.. i think thats the words!! anyone help me please?
Breath from the album Genetic World by Telepopmusik.
# 11 18 years ago

its by Telepopmusik, track called Breathe

Enjoy :-)

# 12 18 years ago

> i heard the backing track in the new visa add and thought it was realli unbelievable and i need to know the song from it. please somebody tell me the name of the song!!!! anyone know it ...... the only words i can make out in the add are the words; another day, just believe.. i think thats the words!! anyone help me please?
all i could get out of it was i can't do it alone but thats it hope it helps!
# 13 18 years ago

Telepopmusik - Breathe
# 14 18 years ago

Hey i been trying to find that song for ages to!!! i was typing it in and found this post. Found the song 2nite its Telepopmusik - Breathe

Hope this helps.
Amazing song!!!!
# 15 18 years ago

Telepopmusik - Breathe

Hope this helps lew
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