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My Commerical guy

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone know how I can find out information about the guy who is in the new TGI Friday commerical in which a white and black guy sits down and think about what they want to have and he's also in the new Verizon commerical dancing at a bowling alley and in a mastercard commerical. I first noticed him in the commerical in which he is sitting at his desk and this guy ask him to smell his cast. He was next featured in the nicoderm commerical standing outside of an office building. How can I find out who this guy is?
# 2 18 years ago

He's also in the new Red Zone commerical. He's the guy who gets the news paper thrown at his head when he kisses the girl.

> Does anyone know how I can find out information about the guy who is in the new TGI Friday commerical in which a white and black guy sits down and think about what they want to have and he's also in the new Verizon commerical dancing at a bowling alley and in a mastercard commerical. I first noticed him in the commerical in which he is sitting at his desk and this guy ask him to smell his cast. He was next featured in the nicoderm commerical standing outside of an office building. How can I find out who this guy is?
# 3 18 years ago

Okie Im offering a reward of $20 if anyone can provide me with the identification of this guy. :D He is soo hot!

> He's also in the new Red Zone commerical. He's the guy who gets the news paper thrown at his head when he kisses the girl.
> > Does anyone know how I can find out information about the guy who is in the new TGI Friday commerical in which a white and black guy sits down and think about what they want to have and he's also in the new Verizon commerical dancing at a bowling alley and in a mastercard commerical. I first noticed him in the commerical in which he is sitting at his desk and this guy ask him to smell his cast. He was next featured in the nicoderm commerical standing outside of an office building. How can I find out who this guy is?
# 4 18 years ago

> hi piperan did you did you find out the name of the guy in the ads? I think he's soooo cute and would love to find out more about him, please let me know! Thanks.
# 5 18 years ago

anybody know the tune it the ebay commercial about "it"?
# 6 18 years ago

ive been trying to figure this one out too..he is also in a commercial for united or american airlines where he and another are "saving your boss from himself" know those "we know why you fly" commercials
# 7 17 years ago

> > hi piperan did you did you find out the name of the guy in the ads? I think he's soooo cute and would love to find out more about him, please let me know! Thanks.

no i did not find out who he was. still waiting for info. he is soo hot!
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