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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

chase credit card commercial

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# 31 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 32 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where they show a mans progression through his life and the final message is that there's chase card for every occasion?

Thank you.
Oliver Cuason
# 33 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 34 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 35 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card

The song is 100 years by Five For Fighting. You can also watch the commercial and listen to that part of the song here

I saw the commercial and loved that song too. Hope u'll enjoy it.

# 36 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 37 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 38 18 years ago

Hey I don't know the name, It might be called "Sixteen" but it's for sure by The Dave Matthews Band. Do you have the clip saved and you could maybe e-mail it to me as an attachment? I need it for a media brand-loyalty presentation i'm giving tomorrow and I can't find it anywhere.

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 39 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card

The band is Five for Fightiing

the song 100 years
# 40 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 41 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 42 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 43 18 years ago

> > Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 44 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a diney chase card
# 45 18 years ago

> Can you help me identify the name of the song played in the latest chase credit card commercial where a father lays his daughter in bed and the credit card shown is a disney chase card
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