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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

j c penny christmas commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

I have been trying to figure out the name of the song in the new J C Penny Commercial. It has the words. Its a giving thing. And I seem to remember some of the words as It a loving thing, and a terible thing to loose. Can someone help me get this name.
# 2 18 years ago

> I have been trying to figure out the name of the song in the new J C Penny Commercial. It has the words. Its a giving thing. And I seem to remember some of the words as It a loving thing, and a terible thing to loose. Can someone help me get this name.
# 3 18 years ago

> hi Dennis i to have been looking for the song i know it i think its just like magic but im not sure get back with me I have been trying to figure out the name of the song in the new J C Penny Commercial. It has the words. Its a giving thing. And I seem to remember some of the words as It a loving thing, and a terible thing to loose. Can someone help me get this name.
# 4 18 years ago

Kirk B
# 5 18 years ago

> I have been trying to figure out the name of the song in the new J C Penny Commercial. It has the words. Its a giving thing. And I seem to remember some of the words as It a loving thing, and a terible thing to loose. Can someone help me get this name.
# 6 18 years ago

> > ELO electric light orchestra= It's a Living Thing
# 7 18 years ago

> I have been trying to figure out the name of the song in the new J C Penny Commercial. It has the words. Its a giving thing. And I seem to remember some of the words as It a loving thing, and a terible thing to loose. Can someone help me get this name.

The song on the commercial is performed by ELO (electric light orchestra) I am pretty sure the title is It's a giving thing.
# 8 18 years ago

> I have been trying to figure out the name of the song in the new J C Penny Commercial. It has the words. Its a giving thing. And I seem to remember some of the words as It a loving thing, and a terible thing to loose. Can someone help me get this name.

The song title is Magic
# 9 16 years ago

I too have been trying to get the name of the artist and song in the Christmas commercial for J C Penny. I beleive the tag line is "All that I want" Your help is greatly appreciated!
# 10 16 years ago

The song is "All That I Want" by the Weepies, and it's available on iTunes
# 11 16 years ago

Quite a thread... ;-) Hope everyone found what they were looking for...
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