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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Burger King Football Commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

> The song for that commercial is called "Round Up".
> But does anyone know what the song is for the bk commerical, where the lions are playing the cowboys. I have been told it is called "A Tradition of Honor" by Tom Hedden, but I cant find anywhere to download it. I have searched for it on Lime Wire, but I cant find it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it
# 2 18 years ago

>what is the song for the new burger king commercial-- stacks of burgers possibly is a 'two-step' track
# 3 18 years ago

> > The song for that commercial is called "Round Up".
> > But does anyone know what the song is for the bk commerical, where the lions are playing the cowboys. I have been told it is called "A Tradition of Honor" by Tom Hedden, but I cant find anywhere to download it. I have searched for it on Lime Wire, but I cant find it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it

Hey did you ever find that song i Luv that song too and i cant freakin find it anywhere
email me please if you have or if anyone can get me any info on that song email:
# 4 18 years ago

> >what is the song for the new burger king commercial-- stacks of burgers possibly is a 'two-step' track

-- I'm trying to figure out the same thing... what is the song for the new burger king comercial -- stacks of burgers, up and down... etc... HELP ME!!!
# 5 18 years ago

They also use that song for Fat Tony on the simpsons. I'm looking for it too.
# 6 18 years ago

> > The song for that commercial is called "Round Up".
> > But does anyone know what the song is for the bk commerical, where the lions are playing the cowboys. I have been told it is called "A Tradition of Honor" by Tom Hedden, but I cant find anywhere to download it. I have searched for it on Lime Wire, but I cant find it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it
# 7 18 years ago

> > > The song for that commercial is called "Round Up".
> > > But does anyone know what the song is for the bk commerical, where the lions are playing the cowboys. I have been told it is called "A Tradition of Honor" by Tom Hedden, but I cant find anywhere to download it. I have searched for it on Lime Wire, but I cant find it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it
> >
> Hey did you ever find that song i Luv that song too and i cant freakin find it anywhere
> email me please if you have or if anyone can get me any info on that song email:
# 8 17 years ago

iTunes has an album available called "Selections From Autumn Thunder" by David Robidoux with all of the songs on it from the commercials.

> > The song for that commercial is called "Round Up".
> > But does anyone know what the song is for the bk commerical, where the lions are playing the cowboys. I have been told it is called "A Tradition of Honor" by Tom Hedden, but I cant find anywhere to download it. I have searched for it on Lime Wire, but I cant find it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it
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