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Sex and the City

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song in the commercial for the new season of Sex and the City? It has a jazzy feel, with a female singer singing softly, 'It's oh so quiet...' and then more loudly singing, '...Crash, bam, then you fall in love!' Any leads would be great! Thanks!
# 2 20 years ago

Sounds like Bjork: 'It's Oh so quiet' from the album 'Post'

# 3 20 years ago

> Sounds like Bjork: 'It's Oh so quiet' from the album 'Post'
It's not Bjork, Bjork covered the song, it was originally recorded by Betty Hutton, a 1940's big band singer/actress. Alas, I cannot find the song anywhere! I do have the Bjork version though.

# 4 20 years ago

Go to Kazaa and type in 'Oh So Quiet' the original version comes up (as well as Bjork)

# 5 20 years ago

> Go to Kazaa and type in 'Oh So Quiet' the original version comes up (as well as Bjork)
I tried that!! I actually found quite a few versions of the song but none sounded quite like the one they play in the Sex and the City. I even found one that named Betty Hutton as the artist, however upon playback it was the freakin' Bjork version!!

# 6 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song in the commercial for the new season of Sex and the City? It has a jazzy feel, with a female singer singing softly, 'It's oh so quiet...' and then more loudly singing, '...Crash, bam, then you fall in love!' Any leads would be great! Thanks!
> Heather
Hey heather... in case youre still wondering.... Betty Hutton did that version of "oh so quiet"
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