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New Pizza Hut Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

B Ross
If you listen closely there is a song in the background of the new pizza hut commercial. The commercial is the one where the delivery guy gives them 'All dogs go to heaven 2' and says he gives it two paws up. The commercial's pretty lame, but the song isn't bad. What is that song?
# 2 20 years ago

Who is the actor that's the pizza delivery guy in that commerical?

# 3 20 years ago

> Who is the actor that's the pizza delivery guy in that commerical?

If you can give me a vague idea of which Pizza Hut advert you were referring to, I might be able to tell you. There was a Pizza Hut advert that aired from mid-to-late June (which would be in keeping with the date of your post). The synopsis roughly involved a family setting up obstacles to prevent a delivery guy from arriving on time - and thus getting a free pizza into the bargain (the delivery guy then effortlessly overcomes them, leaping gates & somermenschlting viscious hoses etc).

The delivery guy in that advert was Jed Staton. Hope that's of some use!

CC :)
# 4 20 years ago

> Who is the actor that's the pizza delivery guy in that commerical?
> Is the female voice on the pizza hut commercials Queen Latifah?
# 5 20 years ago

> > Who is the actor that's the pizza delivery guy in that commerical?
> > Is the female voice on the pizza hut commercials Queen Latifah?
> >
# 6 20 years ago

> > Who is the actor that's the pizza delivery guy in that commerical?
> > Is the female voice on the pizza hut commercials Queen Latifah?
> >
# 7 18 years ago

> If you listen closely there is a song in the background of the new pizza hut commercial. The commercial is the one where the delivery guy gives them 'All dogs go to heaven 2' and says he gives it two paws up. The commercial's pretty lame, but the song isn't bad. What is that song?
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