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Wachovia and Westin Commercials on CNN

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# 1 20 years ago

I really like the sound of both of these commercials. Not really sure who it is but I would buy them if I could find out. Real laid back lazy guitar sound with chorus or phasing. They seem to be somewhat related I think one is in D major and the other is in Dm real sparse music. Anyone got a clue?
Also the new Home Depot Music kind of sounds like Eric Johnson or Michael Lee Firkins any know who does that?
# 2 20 years ago

could you please be more vague for us so that we can figure out 'THOSE 2 SONGS ON THE TV BOX I THINK ONE IS D AND IS GUITAR, YOU KNOW, ON THE COMMCERCIAL ON THE TV BOX PLAYER THING.'

# 3 20 years ago

One commercial is showing formally dressed Persons in a canoe (Wachovia) This airs on CNN presently every day.
There are several Wachovia commercials but all of them I see on CNN have this this music, in at least one case this music appears only at the end, and different music is heard previous to that. There are a series of Westin commercials one showing golf courses, one showing people in a hotel room (Heavenly Bed), it seems all of the westin commercial I see on CNN have this same music. These are also presently airing.

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