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Bailey's Irish Cream

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# 1 20 years ago

Who does the commercial song in the clip where a guys enters a bar and the lights go out, and someone kisses him,and he taste bailey's irish cream on thier lips, when the light come back on the lady across from him raises her
glass of bailey's irish cream to him.The clip can be seen on this link.
The song say'She Got Almond Eyes'.at the very end.
# 2 20 years ago

'Thank you for your mail and your interest in Baileys Original Irish Cream

The name of the song is 'Do you feel what I'm thinking?' and is performed
by Mr Natural.The album is available on


The Baileys Team'

# 3 20 years ago

Dear Dan
Thank you for your mail and your interest in Baileys Original Irish Cream
According to our records the song is called 'Do you feel what I'm thinking' and is performed by Mr Natural, though there have been disagreements - I suspect it is a remix version that is used.
Kind regards
The Baileys Team
HELL! Even THEY don't know! The lyrics do NOT match those in the commercial, ie, almond eyes...

# 4 20 years ago

You can buy the record but I'll bet you don't get the right song. I've downloaded 2 mixes (5AM mix and Cas & Slide mix) and neither are even close to the tune in the commercial. But I really get off on the 5AM mix! Baileys must think we're asking about another commercial or there is a wholly different version of Mr Natural out there.
# 5 20 years ago

> Dear Dan
> Thank you for your mail and your interest in Baileys Original Irish Cream
> According to our records the song is called 'Do you feel what I'm thinking' and is performed by Mr Natural, though there have been disagreements - I suspect it is a remix version that is used.
> Kind regards
> The Baileys Team
> HELL! Even THEY don't know! The lyrics do NOT match those in the commercial, ie, almond eyes...

Hi - has anyone found out more info? I have heard two versions of "Do You Feel..." and neither is anywhere close...
# 6 20 years ago

i was wondering whats the name of that song that plays in da commercial, where the guy guy is trying to lick da drink of the women's dress... they are at a bar... its driving me insane...
# 7 19 years ago

> Who does the commercial song in the clip where a guys enters a bar and the lights go out, and someone kisses him,and he taste bailey's irish cream on thier lips, when the light come back on the lady across from him raises her
> glass of bailey's irish cream to him.The clip can be seen on this link.
> The song say'She Got Almond Eyes'.at the very end.
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