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Oil of Olay Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
# 2 20 years ago

> A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
Christine Lahti?????
# 3 20 years ago

hey I'm in Gainesville, FL, and you guys have a commercial thats out now and i really wish i knew what the song is. its a very soothing song, i dont think theres any singing in it, but everytime it comes on i just have to find out who it is who performs it. its a soft song or i mean, it just makes you go "sigh".....could you please tell me who it is, i would be very grateful and i will keep buying oil of olay soap.

p.s. I want to play it at the house or in the car when im with my girlfriend sometime, but of course i would need to smell and feel good and clean...and i would need to know the artist who performs this great music... thanx.....
# 4 20 years ago

> A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
Gotta be Christine Lahti from Chicago Hope
# 5 19 years ago

> A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
well maybe we can help each other you need a name and I need the emison high 1975 commercial? trades?
# 6 19 years ago

> > A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
> >
> well maybe we can help each other you need a name and I need the emison high 1975 commercial? trades?I need the clip

# 7 18 years ago

> A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
# 8 19 years ago

> A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!

Hello, I know it's been a while since you posted this but we figured who the person was: Christine Lahti. Hope that solves it all!
# 9 19 years ago

> A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
> I know it is someone from either ER or St. Elsewhere show. She has blondish hair.
# 10 18 years ago

> > A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
> > I know it is someone from either ER or St. Elsewhere show. She has blondish hair.
have been going crazy too. at first i thought it was christine lahti. what about
terry farrell from the Becker series?
# 11 18 years ago

> > A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
> > I know it is someone from either ER or St. Elsewhere show. She has blondish hair.
>> Believe voice on Olay commercials is Christine Lahti, from the TV show Chicago Hope.
# 12 18 years ago

> > > A female celebrity voice in new Oil of Olay commercials, so familiar, but I can't quite get it! Making me crazy!!
> > > I know it is someone from either ER or St. Elsewhere show. She has blondish hair.
> >
> have been going crazy too. at first i thought it was christine lahti. what about
> terry farrell from the Becker series?
It is Christine Lahti. It's a very recognizable voice.
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