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ADM Commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
'Hello, Can you hear me'

# 2 22 years ago

Nathan, that trak was titled, You Get What You Give, and was performed by The New Radicals. Enjoy!
# 3 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'

# 4 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'

# 5 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'

# 6 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'
Song is by Billie Myers, titled 'kiss the rain'

# 7 21 years ago

Mr. Kowal
> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'

The artist is Billie Myers, the song title is Kiss the Rain. Yes, the rest of the song is as uplifting as the commercial.

# 8 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'
Billie Myers - Kiss the Rain - Growing Pains CD
-Enjoy... ATS

# 9 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'
It's Kiss The Rain by Billie Myers
# 10 21 years ago

The artist is Billie Myers and the song is called Kiss the Rain.
Below are detail from
The current cost is 15.99 and has free shipping.
Growing Pains
Billie Myers
Release Date: 11/18/1997
Genre: Pop & Rock
Label: Universal Records
# Discs/Tapes: 1
# 11 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'

it's called 'kiss the rain' by Billie Myers. its several years old, cant quite remember when it was released.

# 12 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM commercial? I believe the song was actually released about a year ago.
> Title?
: 'Hello, Can you hear me'

# 13 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the song on the new ADM the song is kiss the rain by billie myers
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