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Clipland Forum Other, Westin Hotel commercial music

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# 1 20 years ago

Mister E
In this commercial, you hear an indie-guitar style riff accompanied by studio drums..
It shows people flopping on beds, lots of white.. and it fades intermittently to more scenes of people walking around rooms, then shows the westin hotel.. yadda
I have seen about 2 or 3 different commercials from this company that has played the same music over and over. This is a relatively new one.. it's not the James song 'Born of Frustration..' and sounds nothing like it.
Instead the song sounds like an indie band.. and it's pretty cool :) I'm wondering if anyone here knows it?

# 2 20 years ago

> In this commercial, you hear an indie-guitar style riff accompanied by studio drums..
> It shows people flopping on beds, lots of white.. and it fades intermittently to more scenes of people walking around rooms, then shows the westin hotel.. yadda
> I have seen about 2 or 3 different commercials from this company that has played the same music over and over. This is a relatively new one.. it's not the James song 'Born of Frustration..' and sounds nothing like it.
> Instead the song sounds like an indie band.. and it's pretty cool :) I'm wondering if anyone here knows it?

# 3 20 years ago

Yeah.. it really does have a nice indie sound to it... that's probably why I found it so appealing. Dude... I had the same problem, too... I had somehow read that the song was James - Born of Frustration, but it turned out I was reading a post from June of LAST year (2002). Doh! Yeah.. that is so not the song.
Right now I'm awaiting a call back from Starwood's (Westin's parent company) director of advertising.... left a VM a few min ago... I hope she calls back~!

:> In this commercial, you hear an indie-guitar style riff accompanied by studio drums..
>> It shows people flopping on beds, lots of white.. and it fades intermittently to more scenes of people walking around rooms, then shows the westin hotel.. yadda
>> I have seen about 2 or 3 different commercials from this company that has played the same music over and over. This is a relatively new one.. it's not the James song 'Born of Frustration..' and sounds nothing like it.
>> Instead the song sounds like an indie band.. and it's pretty cool :) I'm wondering if anyone here knows it?

# 4 19 years ago

i dont know either,if you find out contact me,thanks
# 5 20 years ago

yeah, i've been wondering what that song is too, if anyone finds out what it is please send me an email at
# 6 20 years ago

Did anyone ever figure this out?

> In this commercial, you hear an indie-guitar style riff accompanied by studio drums..
> It shows people flopping on beds, lots of white.. and it fades intermittently to more scenes of people walking around rooms, then shows the westin hotel.. yadda
> I have seen about 2 or 3 different commercials from this company that has played the same music over and over. This is a relatively new one.. it's not the James song 'Born of Frustration..' and sounds nothing like it.
> Instead the song sounds like an indie band.. and it's pretty cool :) I'm wondering if anyone here knows it?

# 7 19 years ago

> In this commercial, you hear an indie-guitar style riff accompanied by studio drums..
> It shows people flopping on beds, lots of white.. and it fades intermittently to more scenes of people walking around rooms, then shows the westin hotel.. yadda
> I have seen about 2 or 3 different commercials from this company that has played the same music over and over. This is a relatively new one.. it's not the James song 'Born of Frustration..' and sounds nothing like it.
> Instead the song sounds like an indie band.. and it's pretty cool :) I'm wondering if anyone here knows it?
i have always loved that music clip and was wondering if you ever found out who it was--would love to know and can't find anything on the Westin website
# 8 19 years ago

Yeah, anyone know what song it is??? can't find it annywhere
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