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new mercedes advert music

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# 1 20 years ago

please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
# 2 20 years ago

> please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
aphex twin 'windowlicker'

# 3 20 years ago

> : please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
> aphex twin 'windowlicker'
I would also like to know what this tune is?? I'm not sure if it is aphex twin? I thought they were more into techno like music?? Altho I cannot be sure?

# 4 20 years ago

> :> please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
>> aphex twin 'windowlicker'
> I would also like to know what this tune is?? I'm not sure if it is aphex twin? I thought they were more into techno like music?? Altho I cannot be sure?
> the music in the advert is definatley aphex twin, windowlicker.
# 5 20 years ago

It's a mix - some of which is Aphex Twin

# 6 20 years ago

> please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
if you haven't already found out, it's windowlicker by aphex twin...

# 7 20 years ago

> please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
ANASWER: Artist - Aphex Twin, Song - Windowlicker

# 8 20 years ago

> please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
Think its aphex Twin but i'm struggling to find out the name!
# 9 20 years ago

> please does anyone know the music in the advert that features mercedes cars with a skateboarder,boxing match,3d chess game and a gymnast-its like having a steering wheel down my trousers ' its driving me nuts'!!
window-licker by aphex twin

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