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Saturn Ion

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# 1 20 years ago

What's the song they paly in the Saturn Ion's called 'Childhood' and there are all these little kids on swings and see-saws playing.
# 2 20 years ago

> What's the song they paly in the Saturn Ion's called 'Childhood' and there are all these little kids on swings and see-saws playing.

**I think maybe you're thinking of 'We've Been Had' by the Walkmen. I dunno...Try it and see. I could be wrong.
# 3 20 years ago

> : What's the song they paly in the Saturn Ion's called 'Childhood' and there are all these little kids on swings and see-saws playing.
: **I think maybe you're thinking of 'We've Been Had' by the Walkmen. I dunno...Try it and see. I could be wrong.
I'm thinking it's the 80s classic Forever Young by Alphville.

# 4 20 years ago

> :> What's the song they paly in the Saturn Ion's called 'Childhood' and there are all these little kids on swings and see-saws playing.
:> **I think maybe you're thinking of 'We've Been Had' by the Walkmen. I dunno...Try it and see. I could be wrong.
> I'm thinking it's the 80s classic Forever Young by Alphville.
Sorry I meant, Alphaville.
# 5 19 years ago

> > What's the song they paly in the Saturn Ion's called 'Childhood' and there are all these little kids on swings and see-saws playing.
> **I think maybe you're thinking of 'We've Been Had' by the Walkmen. I dunno...Try it and see. I could be wrong.
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