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Westin Hotels

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the song in the Westin Hotels commercial? It's the on with the two people in the swimming pool at the begining...really artsy black and white and there a guitar songs playing in the background...who does the song? Please e-mail me and tell me who it is!
# 2 20 years ago

i would also like to know the name of this song, if anyone can email me it i would greatly appreciate it
# 3 20 years ago

I want to find the artist and tab the song on guitar :)

# 4 20 years ago

I dunno but I LOVE it! It gives me a really nice mellow feeling... almost emotional. I went ahead and emailed Westin... hopefully they'll have the answer somewhere :)

: Does anybody know the name of the song in the Westin Hotels commercial? It's the on with the two people in the swimming pool at the begining...really artsy black and white and there a guitar songs playing in the background...who does the song? Please e-mail me and tell me who it is!

# 5 20 years ago

I just called their corporate office and left a voicemail for their Director of Advertising. Waiting on a call back... :)
> I dunno but I LOVE it! It gives me a really nice mellow feeling... almost emotional. I went ahead and emailed Westin... hopefully they'll have the answer somewhere :)
> Rosalyn
:> Does anybody know the name of the song in the Westin Hotels commercial? It's the on with the two people in the swimming pool at the begining...really artsy black and white and there a guitar songs playing in the background...who does the song? Please e-mail me and tell me who it is!

# 6 20 years ago

i am looking for that as well - the 1st Westin Hotels song was 'Born of Frustration' by James.
This one is by a popular alternative artist..i just can't remember those riffs! If you find out, please post!!

> I dunno but I LOVE it! It gives me a really nice mellow feeling... almost emotional. I went ahead and emailed Westin... hopefully they'll have the answer somewhere :)

# 7 19 years ago

> i would also like to know the name of this song, if anyone can email me it i would greatly appreciate it
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