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Coors Light "King of Rock" Ad

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# 1 20 years ago

Where can I find the King of Rock song that remixes ' Rock you like a hurricane' by the Scorpions??? Or who mixed it? HELP!!!!!!!!

# 2 20 years ago

Now, I just want to clarify: are you looking fo r the King of Rock song that remixes ' Rock you like a hurricane' by the Scorpions?
# 3 20 years ago

YES YES YES!!!!! I'm dying to get my hands on this! Can you help?

# 4 20 years ago

Your not going to find it with kazaa it was custom resampled by DJ....

Hmmmm you cluttered up this posting with almost 20 posts when one should have been sufficient. Find it yourself.
# 5 20 years ago

Johhny FUdggy
I know it, but I'm not going to tell you because your a spamming homo and need to learn your lesson, fucking burn in hell you stupid bitch die mother fucking fudge packer.
# 6 20 years ago

I only posted one note, sorry if the site screwed that into 20...
And thanks for being so kind....

# 7 20 years ago

If you're referring to the posting of my message like 20 times, I got no clue how that happened. I only posted once. It happened to the dude below me, too. If you do know about the song, i'd appreciate help, instead of insults.
# 8 20 years ago

Hi again. I found the following response in one of the threads from May 6.
'POD We Came to Rock'/Byrds Rock & Roll Star/Run DMC King Of Rock/Scorpions Rock You Like a Hurricane' It was done through my company DeepMix by Rhys Fulber, formerly half of Delirium now on Nettwerk Records by the name Conjure One. The :45 version breaks soon. -BC'
Hope this helps a little bit.
# 9 20 years ago

'POD 'We Came To Rock'/Byrds 'Rock & Roll Star'/Run DMC 'King Of Rock'/Sporpions 'Rock You Like A Huricane' It was done through my company DeepMix by Rhys Fulber, formerly half of Delirium, now on Nettwerk Records by the name Conjure One. The :45 version breaks soon. -BC'

Found this post from early May. Tried to post it last night, but I guess it didn't work. Hope this helps you out!

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