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Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?
# 2 20 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?
sure. it's 'Ice Cream Man' by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers. you can find it on a lot of his greatest hits-type compilations, like 'The Beserkeley Years' or 'Home Of The Hits'. I don't know whether the ad uses the same version (originally from 1977) or a new recording.
Most people probably know Jonathan as the singing narrator from 'There's Something About Mary'. He's much less annoying than that, I swear! :)
A lot of his songs are love ballads like in 'Mary', but plenty of others are silly fun like 'Ice Cream Man'. Jonathan's a treasure.

# 3 20 years ago

> : Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?
> sure. it's 'Ice Cream Man' by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers. you can find it on a lot of his greatest hits-type compilations, like 'The Beserkeley Years' or 'Home Of The Hits'. I don't know whether the ad uses the same version (originally from 1977) or a new recording.
> Most people probably know Jonathan as the singing narrator from 'There's Something About Mary'. He's much less annoying than that, I swear! :)
> A lot of his songs are love ballads like in 'Mary', but plenty of others are silly fun like 'Ice Cream Man'. Jonathan's a treasure.

^^ Good song, thanks for the help!

# 4 20 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?
That's Ice Cream Man by Jonathan Richman. He was the guy singing in the tree in 'Something About Mary.'
# 5 20 years ago

> :> Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?
>> sure. it's 'Ice Cream Man' by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers. you can find it on a lot of his greatest hits-type compilations, like 'The Beserkeley Years' or 'Home Of The Hits'. I don't know whether the ad uses the same version (originally from 1977) or a new recording.
>> Most people probably know Jonathan as the singing narrator from 'There's Something About Mary'. He's much less annoying than that, I swear! :)
>> A lot of his songs are love ballads like in 'Mary', but plenty of others are silly fun like 'Ice Cream Man'. Jonathan's a treasure.
: ^^ Good song, thanks for the help!

# 6 20 years ago

> :> Can anyone tell me the song in that Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?
>> sure. it's 'Ice Cream Man' by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers. you can find it on a lot of his greatest hits-type compilations, like 'The Beserkeley Years' or 'Home Of The Hits'. I don't know whether the ad uses the same version (originally from 1977) or a new recording.
>> Most people probably know Jonathan as the singing narrator from 'There's Something About Mary'. He's much less annoying than that, I swear! :)
>> A lot of his songs are love ballads like in 'Mary', but plenty of others are silly fun like 'Ice Cream Man'. Jonathan's a treasure.
: ^^ Good song, thanks for the help!
FYI, the version in the ad is actually from his live album 'Modern Lovers LIve', on Beserkely label, from 1977. There's a faster studio version on other album(s), but the live version stops and starts a few times, at different tempos.

# 7 20 years ago

ty i looked everywhere for that
# 8 19 years ago

It is for sure a new recording. The old version is quite rough around the edges when richman hits some notes. The kohl's version is clean and mellow.
I wish someone would release the new version. :)

# 9 20 years ago

> : Can anyone tell me how can I see the Kohl's commercial with the ice cream man?

# 10 20 years ago

Okay, here's a followup - does anyone know how to get ahold of that commercial?
I am a music minister and the idea this week is to not horde what you've been given, and that commercial perfectly illustrates what I'm talking about. (ice cream man with the good stuff, refusing to give it to all those people running after him)
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