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New Dove Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song in the new dove commercial thats been playing for a few weeks here in the US (the one where they tell you that dove is not soap and it has better ingredients, etc etc)? It has a techno sound, and no words. Only a chorus singing 'ooh ooh ooh'. It sounds like it could be by Photek or Aphex Twin, but I havent had any luck finding it.
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song in the new dove commercial thats been playing for a few weeks here in the US (the one where they tell you that dove is not soap and it has better ingredients, etc etc)? It has a techno sound, and no words. Only a chorus singing 'ooh ooh ooh'. It sounds like it could be by Photek or Aphex Twin, but I havent had any luck finding it.

>No, but if you figure it out, please email me with the answer If I figure it out I will post it here. Ciao!

# 3 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song in the new dove commercial thats been playing for a few weeks here in the US (the one where they tell you that dove is not soap and it has better ingredients, etc etc)? It has a techno sound, and no words. Only a chorus singing 'ooh ooh ooh'. It sounds like it could be by Photek or Aphex Twin, but I havent had any luck finding it.
# 4 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name of the song in the new dove commercial thats been playing for a few weeks here in the US (the one where they tell you that dove is not soap and it has better ingredients, etc etc)? It has a techno sound, and no words. Only a chorus singing 'ooh ooh ooh'. It sounds like it could be by Photek or Aphex Twin, but I havent had any luck finding it.
> >
# 5 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name of the song in the new dove commercial thats been playing for a few weeks here in the US (the one where they tell you that dove is not soap and it has better ingredients, etc etc)? It has a techno sound, and no words. Only a chorus singing 'ooh ooh ooh'. It sounds like it could be by Photek or Aphex Twin, but I havent had any luck finding it.
> > I have a new song on vinyl record. it is techno, it had the oooh, it is about skin. the song is called bred1 by bred. it can be found only on record at dance record stores
# 6 18 years ago

i really want to know the designer from the dove commercial the lady with the silk dresses.i know it sounds stupid but i really want that dress!!! sounds really stupid i know but o well.
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