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Rap tune in an IKEA Commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

There is an Ikea commercial that runs in LA, CA and possibly elsewhere that
shows some young people in a car waiting at a stop light and listening to
some hip hop song. They look across to another car with an older couple
listening to some other music. They at first look upset at each other, but
after looking up, end up smiling. The camera pans back to see both cars with
Ikea couches tied to the top. Does anyone know the hip hop song that the
kids are listening to??
# 2 22 years ago

:Does anyone know the hip hop song that the
: kids are listening to??
i've spent the last hour trying to figure that out's what i got so far: the commercial is titled 'low rider' the agency that made the commercial is called carmychael something and the director is lisa rubisch. otherwise, i'm guessing that's some west coast underground hip-hop...
the track sounds bad as hell, if anyone finds out who does it i'd love to know...
# 3 22 years ago

Big Bass
I spent about 4 minutes drilling the internet with the 'keywords' you provided.
30 seconds on Ikea. 2 minutes on google. 30 seconds on
4 MB download commercial. See their portfolio for the BIG BASS tune you're looking for.

> :Does anyone know the hip hop song that the
:> kids are listening to??
> i've spent the last hour trying to figure that out's what i got so far: the commercial is titled 'low rider' the agency that made the commercial is called carmychael something and the director is lisa rubisch. otherwise, i'm guessing that's some west coast underground hip-hop...
> the track sounds bad as hell, if anyone finds out who does it i'd love to know...

# 4 22 years ago

(That's great I found that too......but if anybody could tell me that name of the song so I could have more than 30 secs, that would be great.)
> I spent about 4 minutes drilling the internet with the 'keywords' you provided.
> 30 seconds on Ikea. 2 minutes on google. 30 seconds on
> 4 MB download commercial. See their portfolio for the BIG BASS tune you're looking for.

>> :Does anyone know the hip hop song that the
:> : kids are listening to??
>> i've spent the last hour trying to figure that out's what i got so far: the commercial is titled 'low rider' the agency that made the commercial is called carmychael something and the director is lisa rubisch. otherwise, i'm guessing that's some west coast underground hip-hop...
>> the track sounds bad as hell, if anyone finds out who does it i'd love to know...

# 5 22 years ago


# 6 22 years ago

yeah, yeah, i wasn't just interested in downloading the video.
but, after e-mailing ikea, i found out. the group is called cenospecies, underground out of mineapolis. you can order the cd - in definition - from i'm listening to it right now :-)
> (That's great I found that too......but if anybody could tell me that name of the song so I could have more than 30 secs, that would be great.)
>> I spent about 4 minutes drilling the internet with the 'keywords' you provided.
>> 30 seconds on Ikea. 2 minutes on google. 30 seconds on
>> 4 MB download commercial. See their portfolio for the BIG BASS tune you're looking for.

>> : :Does anyone know the hip hop song that the
:> :> kids are listening to??
>> : i've spent the last hour trying to figure that out's what i got so far: the commercial is titled 'low rider' the agency that made the commercial is called carmychael something and the director is lisa rubisch. otherwise, i'm guessing that's some west coast underground hip-hop...
>> : the track sounds bad as hell, if anyone finds out who does it i'd love to know...

# 7 21 years ago

if y'all think that shit's dope, then you'd be interested to know that you can also order they're solo projects from electric fetus.
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