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does anybody know the song in the new impala commercial- the lady pulls up to a '57 impala!?!?!

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# 1 20 years ago

The commercial is where the 4 guys are sitting in the '57 impala and this woman pulls up next to them at a stop light with a song on. it sounds kinda like snoop doggy dogg to me, but it might not be. does anyone know who it is??? you help is greatly appreciated!

# 2 20 years ago

Urr Force Wun
I read that it's titled, 'EL'? But the onl trak that comes close is 'E.I.' as in,
'Andale, andale, E i E i, Oh oh!'
Anyway, hope you find it!
# 3 20 years ago

thanks for the feedback, but i'm afraid that the song in the commercial where the lady pulls up in the '03 impala next to the '57 impala is the song by nelly, E.I. it doesn't sound like that song at all to me.... anyone else know what it is?? thanks!

# 4 20 years ago

> The commercial is where the 4 guys are sitting in the '57 impala and this woman pulls up next to them at a stop light with a song on. it sounds kinda like snoop doggy dogg to me, but it might not be. does anyone know who it is??? you help is greatly appreciated!
There is no such thing as a '57 Impala.
# 5 20 years ago

> thanks for the feedback, but i'm afraid that the song in the commercial where the lady pulls up in the '03 impala next to the '57 impala is the song by nelly, E.I. it doesn't sound like that song at all to me.... anyone else know what it is?? thanks!

# 6 20 years ago

It's 'Still a G Thang' by Snoop Dogg. It's from his No Limit days on the album 'Da Game Is To Be Sold, Not To Be Told.' Sorry about the previous blank message.
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