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2004 grand prix commercial song name?? help!

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# 1 20 years ago

does ne 1 know the song to the commercial of the 2004 grand prix by pontiac? it has the 2 blind ppl driving in the desert, the song is awesome please help!
# 2 20 years ago

> does ne 1 know the song to the commercial of the 2004 grand prix by pontiac? it has the 2 blind ppl driving in the desert, the song is awesome please help!
I totally agree that song is awesome and i cant find it on n e commercial website and cant find it on dying to get that song

# 3 20 years ago

They did the original version of 'Bella Lugosi's Dead,' but this time, it's a remix, and it's titled, 'Shirades' (Mind games anyone?)
# 4 20 years ago

> They did the original version of 'Bella Lugosi's Dead,' but this time, it's a remix, and it's titled, 'Shirades' (Mind games anyone?)
I can't find a band or a band with a song titled shirades anywhere. Are you sure this is the song?
# 5 20 years ago

I wrote GM and was told that the song is an original track composed for the commercial. It's definitely not Bauhaus. I would have known that without writing them.

# 6 20 years ago

even though you went to the site to ask them, do you know the name of the there anyways we can get it?

# 7 20 years ago

Dear Mr. Kohnstamm,
Thank you for contacting the Pontiac Customer Assistance Center. We
appreciate you taking the time to write us in regards to our Pontaic Gran
Prix commercial.

We chose the music, which was originally scored for our spots, because it
complements the dramatic film-look of the ads. We describe it as 'dramatic
movie score' music. It's instrumental and highlights the emotion of the
driving action without detracting from the visual driving sequences.
Unfortunately, it is not available to the public.
# 8 20 years ago

My knowledge ends at that...sorry my friend!!!
> even though you went to the site to ask them, do you know the name of the there anyways we can get it?

# 9 20 years ago

Oh yeah, its defentiely a remix from the song: Bela Lugosi's Dead, by Bahuaus. You can tell it's just we need the remix to be released into the public somehow.
# 10 20 years ago

I doubt VERY much if the music is by Bauhaus. They disbanded 10 years ago. It sound NOTHING like Bela...

# 11 20 years ago

Sure sounds like a remix of Bauhaus' 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' (from early 80's I might ad)
If you don't think that is the same rif/sound, then you probably think Hammer's 'Can't touch this' or Vanilla Ice was original too...
# 12 20 years ago

> I wrote GM and was told that the song is an original track composed for the commercial. It's definitely not Bauhaus. I would have known that without writing them.

# 13 20 years ago

> I wrote GM and was told that the song is an original track composed for the commercial. It's definitely not Bauhaus. I would have known that without writing them.

# 14 20 years ago

fan of the commercial
> I wrote GM and was told that the song is an original track composed for the commercial. It's definitely not Bauhaus. I would have known that without writing them.

# 15 19 years ago

> > does ne 1 know the song to the commercial of the 2004 grand prix by pontiac? it has the 2 blind ppl driving in the desert, the song is awesome please help!
> I totally agree that song is awesome and i cant find it on n e commercial website and cant find it on dying to get that song

Folks - Finally found the real tune behind the pontiac grand prix. Ready .... Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi's Dead.
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