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pontiac grand prix commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know who does the song in the new Grand Prix commercial, where the blind woman is driving in the desert?
# 2 20 years ago

hey im looking for the same song its friking awesome song i wanna know the name so i can dl it
# 3 20 years ago

> does anyone know who does the song in the new Grand Prix commercial, where the blind woman is driving in the desert?
i wanna know it too, and while we're at it, who knows the name of the song in the new VW golf gti commercial?

# 4 20 years ago

> does anyone know who does the song in the new Grand Prix commercial, where the blind woman is driving in the desert?
I also want to know, It definantly sounds like Bela Lugosi's Dead, but I can't seem to find the remix of it that was used in the commercial. I hope this isn't one of those, 'one commerical, 20 seconds of remixing' deals.
# 5 20 years ago

I've seen a few posts stating that it's Shirades. Not sure if it's 'The Shirades' or just 'Shirades'. I can't find any reference anywhere to a band called Shirades though. Can someone post a link showing that they even exist?

# 6 20 years ago

> I've seen a few posts stating that it's Shirades. Not sure if it's 'The Shirades' or just 'Shirades'. I can't find any reference anywhere to a band called Shirades though. Can someone post a link showing that they even exist?

I see that as well, but my theory is, if google can't find it, it isn't on the internet.

# 7 20 years ago

I had a fever of 104.3 this entire weekend, but I think I did see a glimpse of the commercial, and I think it was 'Son Volt - Chanty' that was playing.
# 8 20 years ago

All the music in the current Grand Prix ads are original scores which means the
music was put together by a studio and not by a band or artist that currently
has an album out. An original score is unique music developed for this
advertisement.The music remains untitled and is not available for public sale.

there ya ahve it

# 9 20 years ago

> I had a fever of 104.3 this entire weekend, but I think I did see a glimpse of the commercial, and I think it was 'Son Volt - Chanty' that was playing.
' Not even close guy, you must have fried some brain parts from that fever. Are you even talking about the Pontiac Grad Prix commercial?'

# 10 20 years ago

I don't think so....
Sounds like a remix of Bauhaus' 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' (from early 80's I might ad)
# 11 20 years ago

There is a similarity between the Grand Prix commercial score and Bauhaus' 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' but it seems to be only in the bass guitar. The Pontiac music is fabulous, though, is't it? What a bummer that we cannot hear any more....

alright guys, here is what pontiac had to say:
> All the music in the current Grand Prix ads are original scores which means the
: music was put together by a studio and not by a band or artist that currently
: has an album out. An original score is unique music developed for this
: advertisement.The music remains untitled and is not available for public sale.
: there ya ahve it

# 12 20 years ago

The song is a red hot chili peppers remix -- i have heard it in a club before!!!!
# 13 20 years ago

It's not 'Shirades,' it's 'Charades' and that's the name of the overarching advertising campaign for the 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix. 'Charades' is a series of 4 different commercials.
The specific commercial with the blind girl driving in the desert is called 'Guy/Girl.' I don't know any more information after that.
Hopes that ends the search for 'Shirades.'
PS: The song does very much sound like a remix of Bauhaus' 'Bela Lugosi's Dead.'
# 14 20 years ago

> : does anyone know who does the song in the new Grand Prix commercial, where the blind woman is driving in the desert?
> i wanna know it too, and while we're at it, who knows the name of the song in the new VW golf gti commercial?

# 15 20 years ago

> Original?
> I don't think so....
> Sounds like a remix of Bauhaus' 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' (from early 80's I might ad)

I have a copy of the music from the commercial if you wanted it. Its not Bauhaus at all. Pontiac made a custom song for the specific commercial. Let me know if you want it. Make sure you make the subject in the email BOLD so I can see it, I get a lot of emails through that account and i tend to overlook them.

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