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# 1 18 years ago

I am one of your biggest fans I have all your cds,I watch all the movies you are in,and i watch all your videos.I know when your birthday is and its were born in california.your favorite color is red and you love to cook burritos.the one thing we have in common are favorite hobbies are singing.I have a dream that one day I will become a famous singer I even started writing my own songs and beleive me there very the way if you know someone named asbriel brooks she is only twelve just to let you know and dont tell her I told you.I LOVE YOU OMARION
# 2 18 years ago

> I am one of your biggest fans I have all your cds,I watch all the movies you are in,and iwatch all your videos.I know when your birthday is and its were born in california.your favorite color is red and you love to cook burritos.the one thing we have in common are favorite hobbies are singing.I have a dream that one day I will become a famous singer I even started writing my own songs and beleive me there very the way if you know someone named asbriel brooks she is only twelve just to let you know and dont tell her I told you.I LOVE YOU OMARION
# 3 18 years ago

> I am one of your biggest fans I have all your cds,I watch all the movies you are in,and i watch all your videos.I know when your birthday is and its were born in california.your favorite color is red and you love Italian food.the one thing we have in common are favorite hobbies are dacing.I have a dream that one day I will become a famous dancer, I even started doing my own choreographer and beleive me my moves are very good.I LOVE YOU OMARION
# 4 18 years ago

iya i love all your songs especially let me hold you the one you do with bow wow
# 5 18 years ago

> iya i love all your songs especially let me hold you the one you do with bow wow
# 6 18 years ago

> I am one of your biggest fans I have all your cds,I watch all the movies you are in,and i watch all your videos.I know when your birthday is and its were born in california.your favorite color is red and you love to cook burritos.the one thing we have in common are favorite hobbies are singing.I have a dream that one day I will become a famous singer I even started writing my own songs and beleive me there very the way if you know someone named asbriel brooks she is only twelve just to let you know and dont tell her I told you.I LOVE YOU OMARION
# 7 18 years ago

> > I am one of your biggest fans I have all your cds,I watch all the movies you are in,and i watch all your videos.I know when your birthday is and its were born in california.your favorite color is red and you love to cook burritos.the one thing we have in common are favorite hobbies are singing.I have a dream that one day I will become a famous singer I even started writing my own songs and beleive me there very the way if you know someone named asbriel brooks she is only twelve just to let you know and dont tell her I told you.I LOVE YOU OMARION
# 8 18 years ago

> > I am one of your biggest fans I have all your cds,I watch all the movies you are in,and i watch all your videos.I know when your birthday is and its were born in california.your favorite color is red and you love to cook burritos.the one thing we have in common are favorite hobbies are singing.I have a dream that one day I will become a famous singer I even started writing my own songs and beleive me there very the way if you know someone named asbriel brooks she is only twelve just to let you know and dont tell her I told you.I LOVE YOU OMARION
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