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Mitsubishi - Endeavor Ad

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# 1 20 years ago

What is the name of the song Mitsubishi is using for it's new endeavor ad? It's haunting and grabs you by the ears!
# 2 20 years ago

I Knoe
its called 'Yo mama so nasty she made my fecee look good'

: What is the name of the song Mitsubishi is using for it's new endeavor ad? It's haunting and grabs you by the ears!

# 3 20 years ago

That last guy doesn't know what he's talking about.. the song is called 'Horn Dog' and it's by a group called Overseer. They're a techno outfit from Britain-- they've also had music in The Matrix and the film Snatch.

# 4 20 years ago

Thanks for answer, as I really like the opening licks, would like to buy CD. The Mitsubishi folks pick interesting stuff.

# 5 19 years ago

> That last guy doesn't know what he's talking about.. the song is called 'Horn Dog' and it's by a group called Overseer. They're a techno outfit from Britain-- they've also had music in The Matrix and the film Snatch.
> wow that other guy needs to learn some respect....oh and hey thanx for the info....I've been wanting to know what it was
> Oh, and hey the guy talking are a whelp and an ignant fool...I hope you die of genocide in a foreign land where leprousy and flesh-eating viruses consume
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