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Dr Dre coors light commercials and how to get nike songs

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# 1 20 years ago

I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find the beats for the Dre Coors light commercials. I think the old one with him on an airplane is the 50 Cent song, If I Cant, but I wanted to see if i could get the commercial version - i think its heavier.
And also the more recent one with him by the side of the road asking the bus if their 'going my way'.
As good faith, heres how to get the nike songs...
The Nike commercials (The Battle - with street ball b/t steve nash and gary payton etc and Elevation - with Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter) can be found at Go to Menu and then The Battle for the first one. It automatically loads Elevation since its the most recent. Both have options to download the tracks.
really sweet
its listed earlier as but thats not it.

# 2 20 years ago

I have been dying to find the beats for the dre airplane tune, however have never had any luck either.
please let me know if you ever find it and / or where one can, as I will to you....
> I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find the beats for the Dre Coors light commercials. I think the old one with him on an airplane is the 50 Cent song, If I Cant, but I wanted to see if i could get the commercial version - i think its heavier.
: And also the more recent one with him by the side of the road asking the bus if their 'going my way'.
> As good faith, heres how to get the nike songs...
: The Nike commercials (The Battle - with street ball b/t steve nash and gary payton etc and Elevation - with Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter) can be found at Go to Menu and then The Battle for the first one. It automatically loads Elevation since its the most recent. Both have options to download the tracks.
> really sweet
> its listed earlier as but thats not it.

# 3 19 years ago

> I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find the beats for the Dre Coors light commercials. I think the old one with him on an airplane is the 50 Cent song, If I Cant, but I wanted to see if i could get the commercial version - i think its heavier.
> And also the more recent one with him by the side of the road asking the bus if their 'going my way'.
> As good faith, heres how to get the nike songs...
> The Nike commercials (The Battle - with street ball b/t steve nash and gary payton etc and Elevation - with Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter) can be found at Go to Menu and then The Battle for the first one. It automatically loads Elevation since its the most recent. Both have options to download the tracks.
> really sweet
> its listed earlier as but thats not it.
# 4 19 years ago

> I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find the beats for the Coors light commercials.
# 5 19 years ago

> I have been dying to find the beats for the dre airplane tune, however have never had any luck either.
> please let me know if you ever find it and / or where one can, as I will to you....
> > I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find the beats for the Dre Coors light commercials. I think the old one with him on an airplane is the 50 Cent song, If I Cant, but I wanted to see if i could get the commercial version - i think its heavier.
> : And also the more recent one with him by the side of the road asking the bus if their 'going my way'.
> > As good faith, heres how to get the nike songs...
> : The Nike commercials (The Battle - with street ball b/t steve nash and gary payton etc and Elevation - with Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter) can be found at Go to Menu and then The Battle for the first one. It automatically loads Elevation since its the most recent. Both have options to download the tracks.
> > really sweet
> > its listed earlier as but thats not it and the one on the bus.
# 6 17 years ago

> > I have been dying to find the beats for the dre airplane tune, however have never had any luck either.
> > please let me know if you ever find it and / or where one can, as I will to you....
> > > I was wondering if anyone knows where i can find the beats for the Dre Coors light commercials. I think the old one with him on an airplane is the 50 Cent song, If I Cant, but I wanted to see if i could get the commercial version - i think its heavier.
> > : And also the more recent one with him by the side of the road asking the bus if their 'going my way'.
> > > As good faith, heres how to get the nike songs...
> > : The Nike commercials (The Battle - with street ball b/t steve nash and gary payton etc and Elevation - with Richard Jefferson and Vince Carter) can be found at Go to Menu and then The Battle for the first one. It automatically loads Elevation since its the most recent. Both have options to download the tracks.
> > > really sweet
> > > its listed earlier as but thats not it and the one on the bus.
> >
> >
(All 6 messages )

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