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Skyy Vodka Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
would appreciate any help
# 2 20 years ago

That song is by Thievery Corporation, it's called 'Lebanese Blonde' of their album Mirror Conspiracy. Enjoy!

: I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
> would appreciate any help
: thanks

# 3 20 years ago

It's by Thievery Corporation, called 'Lebanese Blonde'

: I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
> would appreciate any help
: thanks

# 4 20 years ago

> I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
> would appreciate any help
: thanks
It's 'Lebanese Blond' by Thievery Corporation. Check out all of Thievery Corporation's music. It is truly awesome.
# 5 20 years ago

> I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
> would appreciate any help
: thanks
i dont think my last followup posted correctly, so if you see two followups, then OOPS. The song is 'Lebanese Blond' by Thievery Corporation.
# 6 20 years ago

> That song is by Thievery Corporation, it's called 'Lebanese Blonde' of their album Mirror Conspiracy. Enjoy!
> : I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
> > would appreciate any help
> : thanks
Dope as hell - I've been wondering myself, thanks so much!!!
# 7 18 years ago

> That song is by Thievery Corporation, it's called 'Lebanese Blonde' of their album Mirror Conspiracy. Enjoy!
> : I'm looking for a song played in the skyy commercial where there are tents floating on water. the song has some indian instruments i think. It's not the gotan project one
> > would appreciate any help
> : thanks
(All 7 messages )

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