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The Transporter

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# 1 20 years ago

I need the names of 2 songs used in the movie The Transporter. The first one is used in the scene where the transporter goes to the guys house and kicks the door down and messes everyone up. The second song in in the scene where he is driving his dope ass BMW. If anyone knows the names of those songs I would really appreciate someone emailing me. Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

I was actually looking for those 2 songs too.
Love the music they used for that movie...
anyway if u figure out the names of those songs plz email me..

# 3 20 years ago

Actually, i found the name of the song when the guy kicked the door open and started kicking those guys asses...
If were thinking about the same song, its called
DJ Pone - Fighting Man

# 4 20 years ago

> Actually, i found the name of the song when the guy kicked the door open and started kicking those guys asses...
: If were thinking about the same song, its called
> DJ Pone - Fighting Man

yeah that was a bitchin scene man thanks alot!

# 5 20 years ago

> I need the names of 2 songs used in the movie The Transporter. The first one is used in the scene where the transporter goes to the guys house and kicks the door down and messes everyone up. The second song in in the scene where he is driving his dope ass BMW. If anyone knows the names of those songs I would really appreciate someone emailing me. Thanks.

# 6 20 years ago

can anyone just post it here on clipland so we can all know instead of e-mailing the title all over the place?

# 7 20 years ago

i kno this follow up is really late, but i just saw the transporter for the second time last week and i really wanted to find that song where he breaks down the door too. i looked for a while, and i'm pretty sure its 'fighting man' by dj pone and drixx.
# 8 20 years ago

> I need the names of 2 songs used in the movie The Transporter. The first one is used in the scene where the transporter goes to the guys house and kicks the door down and messes everyone up. The second song in in the scene where he is driving his dope ass BMW. If anyone knows the names of those songs I would really appreciate someone emailing me. Thanks.

# 9 19 years ago

hi my name is betty i would like to know the names of those songs plz e-mail me the names byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
# 10 19 years ago

hi,rohit here. I know the names of the two tracks used in the movie-The Transporter. I am having almost all the tracks of this movie. If you want it, do contact me on my mail add. Will send you in Zip file..
# 11 19 years ago

> I need the names of 2 songs used in the movie The Transporter. The first one is used in the scene where the transporter goes to the guys house and kicks the door down and messes everyone up. The second song in in the scene where he is driving his dope ass BMW. If anyone knows the names of those songs I would really appreciate someone emailing me. Thanks.
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