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Diet Pepsi Mud Commercial by MXPX

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# 1 20 years ago

Does any one know the name of the song in Diet Pepsi Commercial with the kid who seen his dad at the concert? I hear it is called 'Well Adjusted' but can't find anything anywhere about it so I assume it is not called well adjusted.
# 2 20 years ago

MXPX sucks.
# 3 20 years ago

> MXPX sucks.
why answer at all if you're just gonna say something so pointless??
i think the reason why you may not be able to find the song is because it hasn't been released yet. I heard that it's on their upcoming album. I've been trying to find it too...
# 4 20 years ago

yup thats what i heard.....the song comes out in the summer w. their new album woo hoo i love them :)
# 5 20 years ago

arg, i heard the same thing, i've searched everywhere for the name of the song but i'm still unable to find it, so if anyone else reads this and knows it would you be so inclined as to post the name of the song :)
# 6 20 years ago

It is MxPx 'Well Adjusted' and the song is one of their newest ones so it hasn't been released yet.

: Hi,
: Does any one know the name of the song in Diet Pepsi Commercial with the kid who seen his dad at the concert? I hear it is called 'Well Adjusted' but can't find anything anywhere about it so I assume it is not called well adjusted.

# 7 19 years ago

let me just say who ever said well adjusted lied i downloaded the song and it sounds nothing like the one in the commerical......damn i wannna know the name thats song rules

# 8 20 years ago

The song definitely is not called 'well adjusted' cuz I went on Kazaa and downloaded that song, and it's not the same one. If anyone figures out what it's actually called, please let me know!!
: Hi,
: Does any one know the name of the song in Diet Pepsi Commercial with the kid who seen his dad at the concert? I hear it is called 'Well Adjusted' but can't find anything anywhere about it so I assume it is not called well adjusted.

# 9 20 years ago

> yup thats what i heard.....the song comes out in the summer w. their new album woo hoo i love them :)

# 10 20 years ago

> Hi,
: Does any one know the name of the song in Diet Pepsi Commercial with the kid who seen his dad at the concert? I hear it is called 'Well Adjusted' but can't find anything anywhere about it so I assume it is not called well adjusted.

# 11 20 years ago

> Hi,
: Does any one know the name of the song in Diet Pepsi Commercial with the kid who seen his dad at the concert? I hear it is called 'Well Adjusted' but can't find anything anywhere about it so I assume it is not called well adjusted.
Actually it is well adjusted. It took me 15 minutes to find the lyrics.

# 12 20 years ago

hey, 'well adjusted' isnt the song. if you email me, ill send you that mp3. im not sure what that song is called though. i think its a b side
# 13 20 years ago

I thought the song was called 'well adjusted' too...but when I downloaded it..the song sounded nothing like the one on the commercial...
if anyone could tell me where to find it...
I'd appreciate it
# 14 20 years ago

It is the song 'Well Adjusted' off the new album. I have the song. If you want it I can send it to you over AIM. My sn is imsuperhero5. Just IM me saying you want the song
# 15 20 years ago

hey it is called 'well adjusted' it from there new ablum 'before everything and after' i just fount the rite one yesterday and im putting it on kazaa so download it cause im sharing it..if u have any problem gettin it email me i send it to u..i got there new cd but its not out yet until august..
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