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barilla commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
# 2 20 years ago

Mille Lune Mille Onde
by Andrea Bocelli.
# 3 20 years ago

> Mille Lune Mille Onde
: by Andrea Bocelli.
Thank you that is it.
# 4 20 years ago

> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
The name of the song is 'Mille Lune Mille Onde' by Andrea Bocelli
Go to the bottom of this URL and you will find a place to hear part of this song.

# 5 20 years ago

What is the name of the actor in the Barilla commercial where she bumps into the cook at the market and he cooks her pasta and brings it over to her...the music is also very good.

# 6 20 years ago

Its Andrea Bocelli the album is Cieli di Toscana
> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.

# 7 20 years ago

P. Sharma
If your talking about the Barilla commercial where the chef personally cooks and prepares special Barilla pasta for this hot looking older woman, then the song is called 'Mille Lune Mille Onde' from Andrea Bocelli's Cieli di Toscana (2001) album. Phenomenal Song!

: what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.

# 8 20 years ago

> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.

# 9 20 years ago

> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.

# 10 20 years ago

> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
The music is: 'Mille Lune Mille Onde' by Andrea Bocelli, it's on his 'Cieli di Toscana' cd.

# 11 19 years ago

It's Con Te Partiro from Andrea Bocelli's CD Romanza.
> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.

# 12 20 years ago

> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
# 13 20 years ago

> > what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
> >
# 14 20 years ago

> > what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
> >
# 15 19 years ago

> what is the music playing on the barilla pasta commercial where the lady is cooking and looks out her window to see the good looking neighbor guy. She then looks at her pasta and it is gooey. Her doorbell rings and she opens the door and a box of barilla pasta is there.
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