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# 1 21 years ago

hi folks,
does anyone know which rap song that is in the chevy ad where 2 guys in the front of a black chevy come near a stop light. and the driver keeps applying the brakes and jerks till the stop light and annoys hi co-worker or friend besided him ??
i dont know the name of the song but i loved it. it goes like ku ku .....
i would appreciate your help.
# 2 21 years ago

You a hindu?
it goes ku ku?
foo you a lil coo coo
i know that song, just cant think of it right now
> hi folks,
> does anyone know which rap song that is in the chevy ad where 2 guys in the front of a black chevy come near a stop light. and the driver keeps applying the brakes and jerks till the stop light and annoys hi co-worker or friend besided him ??
> i dont know the name of the song but i loved it. it goes like ku ku .....
> i would appreciate your help.
> thanks,
: ron

# 3 21 years ago

Ron, it's E.I. by Nelly.
# 4 20 years ago

The artist is Nelly and the song is 'E.I.'

> hi folks,
> does anyone know which rap song that is in the chevy ad where 2 guys in the front of a black chevy come near a stop light. and the driver keeps applying the brakes and jerks till the stop light and annoys hi co-worker or friend besided him ??
> i dont know the name of the song but i loved it. it goes like ku ku .....
> i would appreciate your help.
> thanks,
: ron

# 5 20 years ago

The artist is Nelly and the song is 'E.I.'

> hi folks,
> does anyone know which rap song that is in the chevy ad where 2 guys in the front of a black chevy come near a stop light. and the driver keeps applying the brakes and jerks till the stop light and annoys hi co-worker or friend besided him ??
> i dont know the name of the song but i loved it. it goes like ku ku .....
> i would appreciate your help.
> thanks,
: ron

# 6 20 years ago

It Is
Nelly - E I
# 7 20 years ago

Ronak has already been helped.
yeah i think he knows by now. cant you read? hes gotten like a few other responses already. go help someone that hasnt been helped yet.

: It Is
: Nelly - E I

# 8 20 years ago

Nelly - E.I.

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