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Sprite Commercial w/ Kobe Bryant

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?

# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?
Yeah I want to know too. Kobe is training in a boxing ring and the beat for this commercial is sweet!

# 3 20 years ago

it's by 'knoc turn'al' but i don't know the name of the song. anyone?
# 4 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?

There are two commercials with a nice beat to them. One of them at the end has a voice that says 'its about that time' twice. i think that is rakim, and it could possibly be a Dr. Dre beat(just a guess, because rakim's album is coming out soon). The other one has a beat that sound like Dr. Dre did it, but i doubt it because Dre has been steering away from that '2001' futuristic sound. I havent seen the commercial with Knoc-Turn'Al yet
# 5 20 years ago

the song with Kobe boxing is 'It's about that Time' by Large Professor

# 6 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?

# 7 20 years ago

> it's by 'knoc turn'al' but i don't know the name of the song. anyone?
Actually 'michael' is correct. It's called 'It's About That Time' and it's by rapper Large Professor

# 8 20 years ago

> : it's by 'knoc turn'al' but i don't know the name of the song. anyone?
> Actually 'chris' is correct. It's called 'It's About That Time' and it's by rapper Large Professor
> Gio

# 9 20 years ago

> the song with Kobe boxing is 'It's about that Time' by Large Professor
No, that's for the commercial that has the multiple scenes of Kobe... running, lifting weights, watching the video, and boxing. There's a second commercial with Kobe just boxing, and it has a different song... and it's so tight. Anyone know what it is??? I've been searching for an answer for months...

# 10 20 years ago

unfortunately the song is not available for us. this was the response I got from Coca Cola
'The music throughout the Spike Lee directed spots was done by Amir of
the group The Roots. It was scored specially for these spots and is not
available for sale or distribution.'
Too bad...I like the beat
# 11 20 years ago

i heard it was form large professor and the song is:it's about that time

# 12 20 years ago

title: bout that time
artist: large professor

# 13 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?
> Yeah I want to know too. Kobe is training in a boxing ring and the beat for this commercial is sweet!
> Gio
Hey guys it took me forever but I found the song. Its called 'Bout that time and its by Large Proffesor

# 14 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?
> Yeah I want to know too. Kobe is training in a boxing ring and the beat for this commercial is sweet!
> Gio
Its called 'Bout that time by Large Profesor

# 15 20 years ago

> Does anyone know what song is played in the background of the new Sprite commercial which features Kobe Bryant training?

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