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dell intern commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
# 2 20 years ago

> Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
His real name is Ben Ziff. He also did a verizon commercial a few months ago, and he just shot a new snickers commercial so look for that. Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! sorry
# 3 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
> His real name is Ben Ziff. He also did a verizon commercial a few months ago, and he just shot a new snickers commercial so look for that. Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! sorry
Are you a girl or boy? Hmm why is no one semi-cool dating MY sister? =/

# 4 20 years ago

Paul Bearer
> : Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
> His real name is Ben Ziff. He also did a verizon commercial a few months ago, and he just shot a new snickers commercial so look for that. Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! sorry
>Maybe better they use Grahame Bond as the co-star
# 5 19 years ago

Dell= Actual Name
> : Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
> His real name is Ben Ziff. He also did a verizon commercial a few months ago, and he just shot a new snickers commercial so look for that. Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! sorry
> Okay, the T.V. Tome thing said that Ben Ziff- involving his picture said that he was born on July 20, 1957!!! this would make him 46!!!! What crap is that???
# 6 20 years ago

how old is he?
# 7 20 years ago

His name is Ben Ziff he ws born July 20, 1957 in Canton Illinois.

# 8 20 years ago

:i think he is so very cute also!!!!!!!!!
# 9 20 years ago

>Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! >sorry
That's so cool! Does he have a website or a place we can send fanmail? I learned his birthday is coming up and I'd like to send him a card!
# 10 20 years ago

I totally agree that Ben is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute! He's like a dork and he's a cutie. Too bad he likes girls... :-/
>> Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
> His real name is Ben Ziff. He also did a verizon commercial a few months ago, and he just shot a new snickers commercial so look for that. Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! sorry

# 11 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know who the cute guy is playing adam? is that his real name? i think he is so incredibly i just wanna know...thx
> His real name is Ben Ziff. He also did a verizon commercial a few months ago, and he just shot a new snickers commercial so look for that. Why do I know this??? He is dating my sister! sorry
> Does anyone know where I can download that snickers commercial 'biggest SUV' where the guy creams into a shed? I think its freakin helarious

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