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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the song from that commercial (i think it's for miller lite) where the woman is dancing in the club and the DJ puts on a song to make her dance. The song he finally decides on is pretty up-beat with a slight latin tone. The only line i could make out was 'You get me hot, hot, hot, hot'.
If anyone could help, i would really make my day. Thanks
# 2 20 years ago

I would really like to know what that song is also

# 3 20 years ago

I just found out the song is called 'WORKIN''. Its produced by 'stiff' and sung by ERIKA featuring MONTAGE. Hope that helps, but just to let you know...Im having a hard time finding it.

# 4 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the song from that commercial (i think it's for miller lite) where the woman is dancing in the club and the DJ puts on a song to make her dance. The song he finally decides on is pretty up-beat with a slight latin tone. The only line i could make out was 'You get me hot, hot, hot, hot'.
> If anyone could help, i would really make my day. Thanks

# 5 20 years ago

I've been wondering too! Can anyone help?
> Does anyone know the song from that commercial (i think it's for miller lite) where the woman is dancing in the club and the DJ puts on a song to make her dance. The song he finally decides on is pretty up-beat with a slight latin tone. The only line i could make out was 'You get me hot, hot, hot, hot'.
> If anyone could help, i would really make my day. Thanks

# 6 20 years ago

i don't like how they show the beast bred for labor closely watching that pretty white girl.
we were better before 1865

# 7 20 years ago

YES! i love that song does anyone know what it is???

# 8 20 years ago

D@#$! I wish I knew too. I was just searching the web for the same answer. Can't find it. Instead I found your post. Good luck! P.S. I love the smirk on that guy's face when he finds the right tune. It's priceless! I can watch that ad again and again and again and again and again...
# 9 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the song from that commercial (i think it's for miller lite) where the woman is dancing in the club and the DJ puts on a song to make her dance. The song he finally decides on is pretty up-beat with a slight latin tone. The only line i could make out was 'You get me hot, hot, hot, hot'.
> If anyone could help, i would really make my day. Thanks
I aked miller lite advertising division and they said the 'feel the beat' commercial uses that last song by the artist 'stiff' the title is 'workin'
# 10 20 years ago

It's 'workin' by Stiff.
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