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in that pepsi mud commercial, what band is playing?

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# 16 20 years ago

> :> : In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> : I think it might be hoobastank
>> Its NOFX playing
: IT'S MXPX!! geez people there is a BANNER in the beginning... There was already a post about this, if you bothered to look below... It's MxPx, and the song hasn't been released yet, and it's called 'well adjusted'
>could anybody help me? i'm trying to download the song 'well adjusted' and i am SO positive it is called that because when i went to the nfg/gc concert mxpx played and said it was from their new album to be released sometime in july and it was called 'well adjusted' but whenever i search for it nothing comes up! is it possibly called something else though? or does anyone have the song on their computer which they could give me? please reply asap!!

# 17 20 years ago

> :> : In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> : I think it might be hoobastank
>> Its NOFX playing
: IT'S MXPX!! geez people there is a BANNER in the beginning... There was already a post about this, if you bothered to look below... It's MxPx, and the song hasn't been released yet, and it's called 'well adjusted'
>could anybody help me? i'm trying to download the song 'well adjusted' and i am SO positive it is called that because when i went to the nfg/gc concert mxpx played and said it was from their new album to be released sometime in july and it was called 'well adjusted' but whenever i search for it nothing comes up! is it possibly called something else though? or does anyone have the song on their computer which they could give me? please reply asap!!

# 18 20 years ago

Greg Marmalard
Well, sorry this is almost 3 months after you asked, but if you haven't figured it out yet, the song is 'Well Adjusted' by MXPX. That's the easy part. The difficult part is finding a real version. A typical search on Kazza will result in hundreds of responces, most of them being a incorrectly named song by MXPX, but not 'Well Adjusted'. The real recording I found is 5095 KB in size, not that it's the only one out there. Good luck.
# 19 20 years ago

: What NOFX song is it?

# 20 20 years ago

its mxpx..and its called well adjusted, but that album isn't out yet.

# 21 20 years ago

> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
# 22 20 years ago

yes dude, that song is cool... i've been trying to find out what band that is, but no luck yet. I will post if i find out.
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