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faith hill didn't sing it firsrt!!!

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# 1 21 years ago

does anybody out there know who the hell it was that sangcry before faith hill got her vocals wrpped around it. ever since she sang it there seems to be no record as to who else sang it first. iknow it's a guy and he sounds like he might be from australia. i don't know, but if you do please contact me.
# 2 21 years ago

Angie Aparo. He is from Atlanta.
> does anybody out there know who the hell it was that sangcry before faith hill got her vocals wrpped around it. ever since she sang it there seems to be no record as to who else sang it first. iknow it's a guy and he sounds like he might be from australia. i don't know, but if you do please contact me.

# 3 21 years ago

> does anybody out there know who the hell it was that sangcry before faith hill got her vocals wrpped around it. ever since she sang it there seems to be no record as to who else sang it first. iknow it's a guy and he sounds like he might be from australia. i don't know, but if you do please contact me.
--Yes, it's ANGIE APARO. Yes, it's a guy. Yes, he's from Atlanta. And yes, he does the song beter than Faith Hill. You can find his original version on his album 'THE AMERICAN,' which should be available at your local record store. He should have a new album out by end of summer. Check out his website
# 4 21 years ago

> : does anybody out there know who the hell it was that sangcry before faith hill got her vocals wrpped around it. ever since she sang it there seems to be no record as to who else sang it first. iknow it's a guy and he sounds like he might be from australia. i don't know, but if you do please contact me.
> --Yes, it's ANGIE APARO. Yes, it's a guy. Yes, he's from Atlanta. And yes, he does the song beter than Faith Hill. You can find his original version on his album 'THE AMERICAN,' which should be available at your local record store. He should have a new album out by end of summer. Check out his website

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