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got questions about music?

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# 1 21 years ago

maybe i can help. i know my fair share so if you need a question answered about any kind of music in general drop me a line.
# 2 21 years ago

Do you know the name of the song that's on the Victoria's Secret 'What is Sexy?' commercials?

# 3 21 years ago

> Do you know the name of the song that's on the Victoria's Secret 'What is Sexy?' commercials
it's a song off of the Massive Attack album 'mezzanine', it's called 'Inertia Creeps'
# 4 21 years ago

I am actually in need of an answer to a song question. It is a song that played on the Daredevil Trailer Teaser, and I've heard it on other Trailers as well, but I don't know the song title or the artist. I know it sounds techno, and the lyrics are said really fast. Some of the words include...Supercalifragilistic...(something)...(something)...Go Ballistic. If you know the artist and song title, I would be extremely grateful! Thanks again!

# 5 21 years ago

> Do you know the name of the song that's on the Victoria's Secret 'What is Sexy?' commercials?
I actually just answered this for somebody else the other day so it may have been you. anyway, the name of the song is 'Inertia Creeps' by Massive Attack and it's available on their third studio album 'mezzanine'. it's an amazing album.

# 6 21 years ago

> maybe i can help. i know my fair share so if you need a question answered about any kind of music in general drop me a line.
: --dork
I need to know the song and artist of the song that airs on the Ditropan XL(for overactive bladder) commercial. It's really flowing, kinda classical, and has just piano and violins. Please help me!

# 7 21 years ago

> : maybe i can help. i know my fair share so if you need a question answered about any kind of music in general drop me a line.
:> --dork
: I need to know the song and artist of the song that airs on the Ditropan XL(for overactive bladder) commercial. It's really flowing, kinda classical, and has just piano and violins. Please help me!
well i hate to say it, but you got me here. i've just started watching cable again and thaat is one i haven't seen. However, after some research it appears that you are not the only person online who is searching for that song. i even found a music professor / historian that works at yale who was looking for it. My best guess is that it's just a corporate writer who wrote a jingle for the company. sorry i couldn't be any help but if i find anything else i'll let you know.
# 8 21 years ago

Dear Dork,
I have one more you know what pop/rock band sings that one song 'thats whay your the one for meee, you have all the things i needd'? thank you.

# 9 21 years ago

Help! Do you by any chance know what this music is behind the new GM commercial - with all different makes in it? Thanks!

# 10 20 years ago

Uhm, I was seraching for the smae thing, I realize this is old, but meh. It's actually a song by Overseer, called Velocity Shift. I haven't been able to download it anywhere. It's quite elusive. Oh and the lyrics are 'Supercalifragilistic when we drive we go ballistic', thus making it pretty fitting for the PS2 game Stuntman
# 11 19 years ago

did you happen to get the name of the song that goes.....Supercalifragilistic...(something)...(something)...Go Ballistic.

if you did could you plz tell me the name?
# 12 19 years ago

overseer - velocity shift
# 13 19 years ago

the song is called velocity shift by overseer
# 14 18 years ago

> I am actually in need of an answer to a song question. It is a song that played on the Daredevil Trailer Teaser, and I've heard it on other Trailers as well, but I don't know the song title or the artist. I know it sounds techno, and the lyrics are said really fast. Some of the words include...Supercalifragilistic...(something)...(something)...Go Ballistic. If you know the artist and song title, I would be extremely grateful! Thanks again!
The song is Velocity Shift by Overseer.
Hope i've been helpful
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