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got questions about music?

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# 1 21 years ago

maybe i can help. i know my fair share so if you need a question answered about any kind of music in general drop me a line.
# 2 21 years ago

Dear Dork,
Would you happen to know any of these artists? Thank you ever so much:)
there are sound files in these links>>

# 3 21 years ago

> Dear Dork,
> Would you happen to know any of these artists? Thank you ever so much:)
> there are sound files in these links>>

i wish i could help but these sound like they were recorded as demos or something. they seem to be recorded straight on to this persons computer. what makes it harder is that there are no lyrics. you got me here. maybe some extra clues would help.

# 4 21 years ago

Im sorry...the only lyrics i remember in the bending song is 'you said you loved meee' classic rock song about love. Ive recorded these songs myself how they should sound by apoligies it sounds crappy lol....I have a diffrent question if you dont you know who sings that one pop song that goes 'thats why your the one fore have all the things i neeed'? once again I thank you. :p
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