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Saturn commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

Who sings, and what is the title of the song on the Saturn commercial, where they 'leave childhood, and enter adulthood?'
# 2 21 years ago

> Who sings, and what is the title of the song on the Saturn commercial, where they 'leave childhood, and enter adulthood?'
That's 'We've Been Had,' by the Walkmen, and is easily Kazaa'd.
What I want to know is what's the 'doo doo' retro-ish song from the NEW Saturn L300 commerical?
# 3 20 years ago

What is the song on the saturn commercial where the guys are in the SUV looking car and they open the doors then u can hear a song and it says "Tell me whats the word"

# 4 20 years ago

what is the song from the "people first" commercial with all of the twins....saturns new march campaign..
# 5 19 years ago

Who sings and what is the title of the song on the new saturn commercial where all the workers are everywhere the car is, and one worker bends down and tightens the knob on the air pressure while the car is at a red light.
# 6 19 years ago

> What I want to know is what's the 'doo doo' retro-ish song from the NEW Saturn L300 commerical?

Do you mean "Come On Let's Go"? If so, it's by Pas-Cal, a wonderful, relatively obscure (but not for long!) band.
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